Members of the Libertarian Party of Tennessee (LPTN) are taking drastic measures to show the public the absurdity of ballot access laws in the state. With 25 signatures required to run as a Republican, Democrat, or Independent, and 33,844 required to run as a 3rd Party, Libertarians across the state have decided to seek the office of Governor running on a shared platform: “make elections free and equal.”
Here are the individuals who have qualified as gubernatorial candidates:
Candidate: Heather Scott
If elected into office, what are the top 3 issues you would like to address?
Roads, support recreational cannabis use and reduce the size and scope of state government.
Find Heather online at
Candidate: Vinnie Vineyard (Funkmaster V)
If elected into office, what are the top 3 issues you would like to address?
Ballot Access, Healthcare, and Cyber School
Find Vinnie online at
Candidate: Sherry Clark
If elected into office, what are the top 3 issues you would like to address?
Civil asset forfeiture abolition, cannabis legalization/decriminalization, and occupational licensure reform
Find Sherry on Facebook by clicking here.
Candidate: Gabriel Fancher
If elected into office, what are the top 3 issues you would like to address?
Bail reform, Ballot access for minor parties, and betters schools/options for schooling
Candidate: Sean B. Fleming
If elected into office, what are the top 3 issues you would like to address?
Marijuana law reform, tax reform, and healthcare reform
Candidate: Mike Toews
If elected into office, what are the top 3 issues you would like to address?
Ballot Access, Legalize Marijuana, Cut Spending
Candidate: William A Helmstetter
If elected into office, what are the top 3 issues you would like to address?
Ballot Access Reform, Criminal Justice Reform, and Taxation Reform
Candidate: Cory King
If elected into office, what are the top 3 issues you would like to address?
Reducing taxes, marijuana legalization, Constitutional Carry, and Civil Asset Forfeiture
Candidate: Matthew Koch
If elected into office, what are the top 3 issues you would like to address?
Ballot Access/Election Reform, Non-Violent Crime/Criminal Justice Reform, and Opioid Epidemic/Cannabis Legalization
Candidate: Alfred Shawn Rapoza
If elected into office, what are the top 3 issues you would like to address?
Taxes, education, and Civil Liberties
Candidate: George Blackwell Smith IV
If elected into office, what are the top 3 issues you would like to address?
Work on limiting all the taxes, and fees on citizens and business, personal freedom, impose term limits and get lobbyist out of Nashville so we can cut waste and find ways of funding projects other then saying “We haven’t had a tax increase in twenty years.” This would also include Court Justices.
Candidate: Jeremy Allen Stephenson
If elected into office, what are the top 3 issues you would like to address?
The state budget, Over-regulation, and Department restructuring
Candidate: Tracy Yaste Tisdale
If elected into office, what are the top 3 issues you would like to address?
Corruption in the state government, inefficient use of resources, medical freedom
Candidate: Jaron Weidner
If elected into office, what are the top 3 issues you would like to address?
Ending corporate welfare, legalizing marijuana, and eliminate occupational licensing
Other candidates on the ballot who have not completed the survey:
- Justin Cornett