March LPTN Newsletter

Greetings Members!

Convention is only one month away!

From Convention Committee

The LPTN State Convention will be held on April 13 & 14 at the Meadowview Conference Resort & Convention Center in Kingsport, TN.

Members and non-members alike are encouraged to attend our once yearly convention to learn, participate, and engage with fellow Libertarians. It’s free to attend the convention. 

Click here for more details and to register

Click here to book a room on the room block (last day to book is March 28)

In order to vote, you must be a dues paying member of the LPTN according to Article 3 & 6 of the LPTN bylaws.

There will be a Gala with a buffet dinner at the resort on Saturday April 13 from 6-10pm.  Our keynote speaker this evening is former Mises Institute President Jeff Deist.  Joining him will be LPTN State Chair Josiah Baker and Diego Rivera of the organization ‘Bring Our Troops Home.’  

Remember, bring your thoughts, liberty, and good spirits! After all, we are all friends here!

Additional details to come!

Convention Agenda

A couple of the biggest items of business on the agenda this year are the election of delegates to National Convention, and the consideration of by-law changes. There are three proposed bylaw changes this year, which include:

PROPOSAL 1: Lifetime Membership. This would clarify Article IV on Membership, and introduces a Lifetime Membership option.

PROPOSAL 2: Roberts Rules. This would add a new section to Article V to establish Roberts Rules of Order as the official parliamentary procedure for state LPTN business, while allowing for committees, and regional/county affiliates to use the system of their choice.

PROPOSAL 3: Correct Errors. This clarifies and makes corrections to Article VI on Conventions.

Pro 2A Rally Rescheduled

January’s postponed Tennessee Taking Action Rally now has a new date! It will be March 30th at Public Square Park in Nashville.

From TNTA:

Join us at Public Square Park in Nashville as we gather to make our voices heard and demand action from Tennessee legislators. Hear from leading gun rights activists, TN lawmakers, and citizens from every corner of our great state and learn why government overreach and constitutional infringement must stop NOW. Show our representatives in the Capitol that Tennesseans know their rights and will not sit idly by as they’re erased through illegal lawmaking. As the 2024 legislative session begins, gather with us to remind our State Assembly that they work for us and are bound by the constitution they swore to uphold.

Join us and Maj Toure at the amendment rally. We will be working toward unity and education. We want to encourage dialogue and a safer, more educated Tennessee.”


Thank you all for your hard work, and we will see you in Kingsport!

In Liberty,

Keith McQuarrie                                                                                                                                                                                         Secretary                                                                                                                                                                                                       Libertarian Party of Tennessee

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