LPTN Official Statement on Hinds Co. MS Prison Graves Discovery

For Immediate Release                                                           Contact: Josiah Baker, Chairman
                                                                                                     Email: chair@lptn.org

Libertarian Party of Tennessee Justice Against the Justice SystemJustice For Our Brothers And Sisters

NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE (January 22, 2024) – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE– The Libertarian Party of Tennessee stands arm in arm with our brothers and sisters in Mississippi after the devastating revelations of how the remains of Our Fellow Americans were treated. We, as not only neighbors but Family, call for an immediate investigation into those responsible for this barbarism. We fully expect to see those responsible punished adequately and responsibly within the law. Being from the Volunteer State, our delegation consists of prior combat vets from every branch. Even in the throes of combat, with their lives on the line, they still have enough respect for their fellow man to honor the Laws Of War. Those laws outline a requirement to individually bury or cremate the dead , to notify as soon as possible the proper agency for notification of next of kin, and to install grave markers or headstones. The Sheriff’s Deputies of Hinds County Mississippi have shown less respect for American citizens than our soldiers show for enemy combatants. In some cases families have gone for more than a year looking for loved ones who were already murdered and dumped into a hole, by the same system sworn to protect them. There has been no notice, no justice, and no peace for these families. The question then becomes what do American citizens need to do in order to get the same decency as enemy combatants? Will there be a change in legislation to ensure this never happens again? Is it a matter of abolishing qualified immunity? Is it more? Until that time we will continue to work with and stand beside our friends and loved ones in Mississippi and around the Nation, until crimes like those committed in Hinds County are only items in a history book and not displayed on the front page of the newspaper. May those who are gone find peace and justice in their journeys.

The Libertarian Party of Tennessee believes the answer to America’s political problems is the same commitment to freedom that earned America its greatness: a free-market economy and the abundance and prosperity it brings; a dedication to civil liberties and personal freedom; and a foreign policy of non-intervention, peace, and free trade. To learn more and to get involved please go to www.lptn.org.


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